Anna Calvi LIVE @ Madam Jo Jo's -Soho,London
This was the second time I'd see Anna Calvi and her band and I can honestly say she has upped her game and polished off her performance to the next level. While some might argue that by doing this she has lost some of the spontaneity and rawness she originally had I would disagree and say she's simply channeled it back to the audience. Her individual playing was much more focused and during particular "musical" moments she was playing runs and notes that sounded like she was exorcising her deepest rock and roll heroes (especially during the outro of the last song "Love Won't Be Leaving"...BUT wait a minute I'm getting a head of myself here.. She started off with a building and tense guitar intro that sounded like something from a Robert Rodriguez film before dropping into "No More Words"...her band supporting her voice and guitar on drums and a multitude of instruments (I counted another 5 just from one other multi instrumentalist band member) "Blackout" followed in the set which got the crowd moving and earned the drummer his pay. After a quick bit of promo for the new single (out Monday 11Th no less) "Jezebel" her cover of the Edith Piaf track. Anna Calvi is out on the road now with Nick Cave's new band Grinderman and I can see why he chose her as she can do slow and sexy blues with the best of them, sometimes during almost haunting Jeff Buckley-esque moments she brings the volume down so low you could hear a pin drop or mouse fart (or which ever euphemism you want to choose!)before exploding the band into another fuzz guitar workout firing incendiary licks from her already battered telecaster. Other tracks included in her short set were "I'll Be Your Man", "Moulinette", "Desire" (another standout and contender for next single). She was supported by Düd who with there math rock alt noise 1 trick pony lick of Negative Creep played in 6/8 time didn't really blow the cobwebs off any ones trilby....
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